Let me help you discover your best self, step by step to a new you


Why Online Coaching?

The typical answer is that you need a training system, a nutritional plan, and follow-up with a specialist to help you achieve the body shape you dream of. But let me tell you that the answer is deeper than that. 

You're here because you know well that your body shape at this moment affects all aspects of your life. It affects your work and productivity, diminishes your confidence and self-esteem, leading you to accept daily choices that are not suitable for you, ultimately reaching acceptance of a life partner who doesn't resemble you. 

It diminishes the quality of your sleep and mental health, and increases your stress levels. It reduces your daily activity, affects your movement while you are still in the prime of your youth.


Why starting now?

After 90 days from now, you'll be able to see how your body shape and health will be if things remain as they are, and every day that passes, you're exacerbating the problem and reducing your chances of becoming the best version of yourself. 

From this moment, you'll make the most important decision in your life, which will result in a new and better person in all aspects of life, not just in body shape. It's a decision to love yourself more and say "enough neglecting myself until now.


Why Coach Hawary?

Your health and time are the most valuable things in your life, and your day is filled with enough commitments that make you think before engaging in any new activity. 

This is what distinguishes online training in general. You can exercise at the time, day, and place that suits you, unlike being tied to specific times and places with a personal trainer.

Because each of us has different goals, body types, and lifestyles, online training focuses on ensuring that all training and nutritional programs are tailored to you completely and flexible to change due to life circumstances.

Online training also goes by another name, which is "follow-up", and this is the key to achieving the body shape you dream of. Having a specialist with you who knows all the necessary information about you, has been through what you have been through, and is able to reach the best version of themselves and many others to achieve the body shape they dream of.

  • Personal Assessment

    Here, I gather all the necessary information about you through a detailed questionnaire, measurements, and other data that will enable me to design customized training and nutritional programs for you completely.

  • Training Programs

    These are fully tailored to you based on your level, goals, training tools, and location, illustrated by video, and specified with weights, repetitions, and necessary rest times for each set.

  • Nutritional Programs

    Your dietary regimen must be completely tailored to you based on your daily routine, goals, cooking skills, preferred types of food, calorie count, and macronutrient units.

    Plans are designed to align seamlessly with your daily lifestyle, travel, weekends, mood fluctuations, invitations, and more.

  • Daily Follow-up

    The most important element in achieving your goal is that I'm with you daily, answering all your questions, adjusting programs, measuring your training and physical levels during your journey to ensure you reach the body shape you dream of in the fastest time possible.

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What will I benefit from the subscription? 

Subscribing with Hawary will offer you the best body shape of your life and more. Your power, sleep, health, mood, intelligence, and more will improve, resulting in a positive impact on your entire life. In other words, I'll change your life for the better

I have limited exercise experience; can I execute the programs? 

The training programs will be designed according to your level, explained in videos for each exercise. Additionally, in your subscription, there is "Performance Monitoring," which helps you correct and perform your exercises with the best performance. 

I have an injury; how will I exercise? 

The severity of the injury and recovery stage will be assessed. Programs necessary for achieving your goal without affecting the injury will be provided. 

I travel a lot; how can I reach my goal?

Training and diet systems will be constantly adjusted during travel according to the training location's facilities and available food types, making it easier for you to commit and reach your goal. 

I have only one hour a day for exercise; can I still reach my goal? 

One hour or less can be sufficient to reach your goal. Training programs will be designed to fit into your daily routine.